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Qiuhong Xiong source:author:
Qiuhong Xiong   Ph.D
Lecturer   Master Supervisor
Email: qxiong@sxu.edu.cn


Education Experience:

2011.10-2015.06 University of Cologne, Germany, PhD

2008.09-2011.06 Jilin University, China, Master

2004.09-2008.06 Shanxi Normal University, China, Bachelor


Work Experience:

2015.03-       Shanxi University, PI

2015.07-2016.03 University of Cologne, Postdoctor


Research Projects:

Autophagy is the major lysosomal route for the turnover of cytoplasmic components. It involves the sequestration and transport of complete regions of the cytoplasm, including both soluble proteins and entire organelles within double-membrane vacuoles, to the lysosomal system for degradation and recycling by lysosomal hydrolases. It is a highly conserved proteolytic mechanism that required for maintaining cellular homeostasis. The general autophagy is bulk autophagy which appears to randomly sequester cytosolic content, while selective autophagy requires cargo adaptors specifically enrich forming autophagosomes for certain cargos such as aggregates (aggrephagy), organelles (mitophagy, pexophagy, ribophagy, ER-phagy, nucleophagy) or pathogens (xenophagy). Impaired selective autophagy is therefore thought to underlie the etiology of numerous diseases such as cancer, inflammation and infectious diseases. Our group recently focuses on:

  1. Roles of autophagy in zoonosis.
  2. Functions of ATGs in the crosstalk between autophagy and ubiquitin proteasome system.



1. Meβling S, Matthias J, Xiong Q, Fisher S, Eichinger L. The two Dictyostelium discoideum autophagy 8 proteins have distinct autophagic functions. The European Journal of Cell Biology. 2017, 96(4):312-324.


2. Mesquita A, Cardenal-Mu?oz E, Dominguez E, Mu?oz-Braceras S, Nu?ez-Corcuera B, Phillips BA, Tábara LC, Xiong Q, Coria R, Eichinger L, Golstein P, King JS, Soldati T, Vincent O, Escalante R. Autophagy in Dictyostelium: Mechanisms, regulation and disease in a simple biomedical model. Autophagy. 2017, 13(1): 24-40.


3. Xiong Q, ünal C, Matthias J, Steinert M, Eichinger L. The phenotypes of ATG9, ATG16 and ATG9/16 knock-out mutants imply autophagy-dependent and -independent functions. Open Biology. 2015, 5(4):150008.


4. Ma TH#, Xiong QH#, Yuan B, Jiang H, Gao Y, Xu JB, Liu SY, Ding Y, Zhang GL, Zhao YM, Zhang JB. Luteinizing hormone receptor splicing variants in bovine Leydig cells. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2012, 11(2):1721-30.(# co-first author)


5. Ma T, Jiang H, Gao Y, Zhao Y, Dai L, Xiong Q, Xu Y, Zhao Z, Zhang J. Microarray analysis of differentially expressed microRNAs in non-regressed and regressed bovine corpus luteum tissue; microRNA-378 may suppress luteal cell apoptosis by targeting the interferon gamma receptor 1 gene. Journal of Applied Genetics. 2011, 52(4):481-6.


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