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张立超 博士 |
副教授 硕士生导师 | |
Email:zlc@sxu.edu.cn |
2017年7月-2019年11月 山西大学生物医学研究院 讲师
2019年12月至今 山西大学生物医学研究院 副教授
肿瘤干细胞及其代谢异常在肿瘤发生发展中的作用以及机制,同时聚焦相关靶向药物和药食同源天然药物的研究与开发。相关研究成果发表于Cell Death & Disease,Journal of Ethnopharmacology, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, J Agric Food Chem, Cellular Signalling, BMC biotechnology和The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology等杂志。目前的研究主要集中在:
1. 肿瘤干细胞在肿瘤发生发展中的作用及机制
2. 糖脂代谢异常与肿瘤等重大疾病的关系
2. 药食同源天然产物中药物的筛选以及抗病机制研究
1、Lichao Zhang #, Xiaoqing Lu #, Yuanzhi Xu #, Xiaoqin La, Jinmiao Tian, Aiping Li, Hanqing Li, Changxin Wu, Yanfeng Xi, Guisheng Song, Zhaocai Zhou, Wenqi Bai*, Liwei An*, Zhuoyu Li*, Tumor-associated macrophages confer colorectal cancer 5-fluorouracil resistance by promoting MRP1 membrane translocation via an intercellular CXCL17/CXCL22-CCR4-ATF6-GRP78 axis, Cell Death & Disease. 2023 Sep 1;14(9):582. SCI(一区Top), IF:9.000
2、Lichao Zhang*, Ya-ning Liu, Xiao-qin La, Shuai-tao Li, Li-na Wen, Ting Liu, Han-qing Li, Ai-ping Li, Haitao Wu, Chang-xin Wu, Zhuo-yu Li*, The bound polyphenols of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) inner shell inhibit breast cancer by promoting lipid accumulation-induced autophagic death, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 177 (2023) 113855. SCI(二区), IF:4.3
3、Yuxuan An#, Xiaoqin La#, Songtao Li, Jinmiao Tian, Xiaxia Fan, Kaili Cui, Lichao Zhang*, Zhuoyu Li*. Polyphenols from whole millet grain(Setaria italica) alleviate glucose and lipid homeostasis in diet-induced-obese mice by increasing endogenous GLP-1, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2023 Aug. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.12901.SCI(二区Top), IF:4.099(共同通讯作者)
4、Jinmiao Tian#, Lichao Zhang#*, Xiaoqin La, Xiaxia Fan, Aiping Li, Changxin Wu, Yuxuan An, Shuning Yan, Xiushan Dong, Haitao Wu, Zhuoyu Li*. Tumor-secreted GRP78 induces M2 polarization of macrophages by promoting lipid catabolism, Cellular Signalling. 2023 Aug:108:110719. SCI(二区), IF:4.800(共同第一作者和通讯作者)
5、Xiaxia Fan#,Lichao Zhang#*,Xiaoqin La#,Jinmiao Tian,Ghani Israr,Aiping Li,Changxin Wu,Yuxuan An,Songtao Li,Xiushan Dong,Zhuoyu Li*,Salvianolic acid A attenuates inflammation-mediated atherosclerosis by suppressing GRP78 secretion of endothelial cells,Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2023 May 23:308:116219. SCI(二区 Top), IF:5.399(共同第一作者和通讯作者)
6、Aiping Li,Wenbo Cui,Yirui Zhao,Tingting Luo,Qingyu Zhang,Yuetao Liu,Ke Li,Xuemei Qin*,Lichao Zhang*,Exploration of the main effective constituent and the mechanism in Astragali Radix in the treatment for doxorubicin-induced nephropathy by integrating metabolomics and molecular docking,Journal of Ethnopharmacology,305 (2023) 116074,SCI(二区 Top), IF:5.195
7、Kaili Cui#,Lichao Zhang#,Xiaoqin La,Haili Wu,Ruipeng Yang,Hanqing Li,Zhuoyu Li*, Ferulic Acid and P-Coumaric Acid Synergistically Attenuate Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease through HDAC1/PPARG-Mediated Free Fatty Acid Uptake, International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(23), 15297. SCI(二区 Top), IF:6.208(共同第一作者和通讯作者)
8、Lichao Zhang,Yaning Liu,Xiaoqin La,Shuning Yan,Yu Chen,Jingyi Liang,Zhuoyu Li*,The potential mechanism of Neu5Gc inducing colorectal cancer based on network pharmacology and experimental validation,Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00210-022-02345-w,SCI(三区 ), IF:3.195
9、Lichao Zhang#, Xiaoqin La#, Jinmiao Tian, Hanqing Li, Aiping Li, Yizhi Liu, Changxin Wu, Zhuoyu Li*, The phytochemical vitexin and syringic acid derived from foxtail fillet bran inhibit breast cancer cells proliferation via GRP78/SREBP-1/SCD1 signaling axis, Journal of Functional Foods. 2021, 85, 104620. SCI(二区), IF:4.451
10、 Xiaoqing Lu#, Rui Yang#, Lichao Zhang#, Yanfeng Xi, Jiping Zhao, Fusheng Wang, Huanhu Zhang, Zhuoyu Li*, Macrophage Colony-stimulating Factor Mediates the Recruitment of Macrophages in Triple negative Breast Cancer. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2019; 15(13): 2859-2871. SCI(二区), IF:4.067(共同第一作者)
11、Xiaoqin La#, Lichao Zhang#, Zhuoyu Li*, Hanqing Li, Yufei Yang.(-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Enhances the Sensitivity of Colorectal Cancer Cells to 5-FU by Inhibiting GRP78/NF-κB/miR-155-5p/MDR1 Pathway. J Agric Food Chem. 2019; 67 (9), 2510-2518. SCI (一区), IF:3.14(共同第一作者)
12、Yufei Yang#, Lichao Zhang#, Xiaoqin La# , Zhuoyu Li*, Hanqing Li, Songjia Guo. Salvianolic acid A inhibits tumor-associated angiogenesis by blocking GRP78 secretion. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 2019; 392 (4), 467-480. SCI(三区), IF:2.39(共同第一作者)
13、Lichao Zhang, Zongwei Li, Guobin Ding, Xiaoqin La, Peng Yang, Zhuoyu Li*. GRP78 plays an integral role in tumor cell inflammation-related migration induced by M2 macrophages. Cellular Signalling. 2017;37:136-48. SCI(二区),IF:4.32
14、Lichao Zhang, Zongwei Li, Tongli Shi, Xiaoqin La, Hanqing Li, Zhuoyu Li*. Design, purification and assessment of GRP78 binding peptide-linked Subunit A of Subtilase cytotoxic for targeting cancer cells. BMC biotechnology. 2016; 16:1-13. SCI(二区),IF:2.45
15、Lichao Zhang, Zongwei Li, Yongsheng Fan, Hanqing Li, Zhuoyu Li*, Yaoping Li. Overexpressed GRP78 affects EMT and cell-matrix adhesion via autocrine TGF-beta/Smad2/3 signaling. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology. 2015; 64:202-11. SCI(二区),IF:3.91
16、Zongwei Li#,Lichao Zhang#, Hanqin Li, Shuhua Shan, Zhuoyu Li*. Glucose regulated protein 78 promotes cell invasion via regulation of uPA production and secretion in colon cancer cells. BMB Reports. 2014; 47:445-50. SCI(三区),IF:2.78(共同第一作者)
17、Zongwei Li, Lichao Zhang, Yarui Zhao, Hanqing Li, Hong Xiao, Rong Fu, et al. Cell-surface GRP78 facilitates colorectal cancer cell migration and invasion. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology. 2013; 45:987-94. SCI(二区),IF:3.91
18、Zongwei Li, Ming Zhuang, Lichao Zhang, Xingnan Zheng, Peng Yang, Zhuoyu Li*. Acetylation modification regulates GRP78 secretion in colon cancer cells. Scientific reports. 2016; 6:30406. SCI(二区),IF:5.22
19、Zongwei Li, Yingying Wang, Haili Wu, Lichao Zhang, Peng Yang. GRP78 enhances the glutamine metabolism to support cell survival from glucose deficiency by modulating the β-catenin signaling. Oncotarget. 2014. SCI(一区),IF:5.00
20、Zongwei Li, Yingying Wang, Ian P. Newton, Lichao Zhang, Penyu Ji, Zhuoyu Li*. GRP78 is implicated in the modulation of tumor aerobic glycolysis by promoting autophagic degradation of IKKbeta. Cellular signalling. 2015; 27:1237-45. SCI(二区),IF:4.19
一种靶向抗肿瘤活性蛋白及其制备与纯化;李卓玉,张立超,李宗伟,史通麟,杨鹏,李汉卿;发明专利;专利号:ZL 2015 1 0718882. X
9、国家自然科学青年基金,81803321,外泌体细胞粘附相关膜蛋白与宫颈癌发病风险的队列研究 ,2019/01-2021/12,22万元,已结题,主要参与人
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