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孟庆来   博士
教授   硕士生导师



       本科毕业于东北农业大学生物技术专业。博士毕业于中科院武汉病毒研究所,微生物专业。研究生阶段从事慢病毒疫苗免疫保护机制研究及生物微分析技术研究。2009-2017年在美国凯斯西储大学传染病系任助理研究员,从事病毒性丙型肝炎 (HCV)、艾滋病 (HIV)及结核病 (TB) 的免疫病理免与免疫治疗研究。2017作为山西大学高层次人才引进到山西大学生物医学研究院工作。目前兼职欧美同学会医师协会传染病分会全国委员;中国抗癌协会肿瘤代谢专业委员会免疫代谢学组全国委员;山西生物工程协会精准医疗与伴随诊断专委会委员。是Sensors and Actuators B、Microbiology Spectrum、Infectious Microbes & Diseases、Plos One 等SCI期刊审稿专家。








1、学术型硕士:遗传学、 微生物学






1. Xiangyu Yao1†, Zhichao Zhang2†, Qingmin Mei3†, Shenwei Li4, Li Xing1,5, Yali Long6, Demei Zhang7, Jing Wang3, Xiedong Wang1, Bin Xie8, Bo Yang2,5, Yong Gao3*, Changxin Wu1,5*, Qinglai Meng1,5*. A highly sensitive bead-based flow cytometric competitive binding assay to detect SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody activity. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022, 13:1041860. (#共同第一作者,*,共同通讯作者,SCI二区 top期刊,IF: 8.6)

2. Qinglai Meng#,*, Yao Wang#, Yali Long#, Aiping Yue, Michael Mecklenburg, Shuaiyan Tian, Yujia Fu, Xiangyu Yao, Jianyi Liu, Dewei Song*, Changxin Wu* and Bin Xie*. Rapid Detection of Multiple Classes of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Blood Using an NDM-1 Biosensing Assay. Antibiotics. 2021, 10(9), 1110 (#共同第一作者,*,共同通讯作者,SCI三区,IF: 5.2)

3. Qinglai Meng*, Yujia Fu, Shenzhi Li, Yujuan Yan, Danli Duan, Donald D Anthony, Yueping Zhu, Xuehua Wu, Feng Qian* and Changxin Wu*. Rapid, sensitive and cost-effective determination of immune checkpoint inhibitor activity using a magnetic bead-based binding assay. Journal of Immunological Methods. November 498 (2021), 113134. (#共同第一作者,*,共同通讯作者, SCI四区, IF: 2.3)

4. Qinglai Meng#,*, Shichao Liu#, Jinhua Meng#, Jiao Feng, Michael Mecklenburg, Lei Zhu, Lifang Zhou, Leif Bülow, Jianyi Liu, Dewei Song*, Changxin Wu*, Bin Xie*. Rapid personalized AMR diagnostics using two-dimensional antibiotic resistance profiling strategy employing a thermometric NDM-1 biosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 193 (2021) 113526. (#共同第一作者,*,共同通讯作者,SCI一区 TOP期刊, IF: 12.5)

5. Josefin Adlerberth#, Qinglai Meng#, Michael Mecklenburg,Zengmin Tian*, Yikai Zhou, Leif Bülow, Bin Xie*. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Thermometric analysis of blood metabolites in ICU patients. 2020. 140:763–771(#共同第一作者,*,共同通讯作者, SCI三区, IF: 4.8)

6. Qinglai Meng#, Asifa K#. Zaidi, John Sedy, Armand Bensussan, Daniel L*. Soluble Fc-Disabled Herpes Virus Entry Mediator Augments Activation and Cytotoxicity of NK Cells by Promoting Cross-Talk between NK Cells and Monocytes. The Journal of Immunology, 2019, 202(7): 2057-2068(#共同第一作者,SCI二区top期刊, IF: 5.4 )

7. Qinglai Meng*, Ismail Sayin, David H. Canaday, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Joy Baseke, Zahra Toossi*. Immune Activation at Sites of HIV/TB Co-infection contributes to the pathogenesis of HIV-1 disease. Plos One. 2016 Nov 21; 11 (11): e0166954 (*共同通讯作者,SCI三区, IF: 3.2)

8. Qinglai Meng, David H. Canaday, David J. McDonald, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Joy Baseke, Zahra Toossi*. Productive HIV-1 infection is enriched in CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) T cells at pleural sites of dual HIV/TB infection. Archives of Virology. 2016 Jan; 161 (1):181-187 (SCI四区, IF: 2.7)

9. Qinglai Meng, M R Sandhya Rani, Julia M Sugalski, Chelsey J. Judge, Sarah Phat, Ronald E Blanton, Benigno Rodriguez and Donald D. Anthony*. Natural Cytotoxicity Receptor-Dependent Natural Killer Cytolytic Activity Directed at Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Is Associated With Liver Inflammation, African American Race, IL28B Genotype, and Response to Pegylated Interferon/Ribavirin Therapy in Chronic HCV Infection. J Infect Dis. 2014. 290 (10): 1591-1601 (SCI二区top期刊, IF: 7.8)

10. Sara J Conry#, Qinglai Meng#, Gareth Hardy, Nicole L Yonkers, Julia M Sugalski, Amy Hirsch, Perica Davitkov, Anita Compan, Yngve Falck-Ytter, Ronald E. Blanton, Benigno Rodriguez, Clifford V Harding and Donald D. Anthony*. Genetically associated CD16+56- NK-cell IFN-aR expression regulates signaling and is implicated in IFN-a-induced HCV decline. J Infect Dis. 2012. 205(7):1131-41(#共同第一作者,SCI二区top期刊, IF: 7.8)

11. Qinglai Meng# Yuezhi Lin#, Jian Ma, Yan Ma, Liping Zhao, Shenwei Li, Kai Yang, Jianhua Zhou, Rongxian Shen, Xiaoyan Zhang* and Yiming Shao*. A pilot study comparing the development of EIAV Env-specific antibodies induced by DNA/recombinant vaccinia-vectored vaccines and an attenuated Chinese EIAV vaccine. Viral Immunol. 2012. 25(6):477-84 (#共同第一作者,SCI四区, IF: 2.2)

12. Meng Qinglai#, Lin Y#, Ma J, Ma Y, Zhao L, Li S, Liang H, Zhou J, Shen R, Zhang X* and Shao Y*. 2011. A pilot study on an attenuated Chinese EIAV vaccine inducing broadly neutralizing antibodies. Arch Virol. 2011. 156(8):1455-62 (#共同第一作者,SCI四区, IF: 2.7)

13. Meng Qinglai, Li S, Liu L, Xu J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Zhang X* and Shao Y*. Truncation of cytoplasmic tail of EIAV Env increases the pathogenic necrosis. Virus Research. 2008. 133(2):201-210. (SCI三区, IF: 6.3)

14. Meng Qinglai, Mecklenburg M, Danielsson B and Xie B*. Development of a tRNA-Synthetase Microarray for Protein Analysis. Sensors and materials. 2004. Vol 16. No.8 401-412 (SCI四区, IF: 0.6)


孟庆来、傅羽佳、李沈芝、吴长新,磁珠评价免疫检查点分子阻断性抗体阻断活性方法,2021年3月30日授权,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL2020 1 0005802.7



1. 第五届中国大学生 5 分钟科研(英语)演讲大赛,课题组研究生获得三等奖

2. 山西省第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,银奖,《精准抗疫利器-高灵敏新冠病毒中和抗体检测试剂盒》,课题组研究生要翔宇、宋晨晨和王瑶分别为获奖者中排名第一、第二和第三名

3. 2021年山西省科技工作者双创大赛,金奖,《免疫检查点抑制剂阻断活性磁珠荧光检测方法及PD-1抑制剂活性检测试剂盒》,孟庆来

4. 山西省第七届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,铜奖,《磁珠评价免疫检查点阻断性抗体活性检测试剂盒》,课题组研究生要翔宇和王瑶分别为获奖者中排名第一、第二。

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